L'ultimo B.737-700 in consegna alla easyJet's, dipinto nella smagliante livrea del vettore low-fare britannico, ha lasciato Seattle per Liverpool, base operativa della compagnia. Si tratta del 25° B.737 comperato dal 1997 dalla easyJet, che ne ha ora 12 della versione B.737-300 e 13 della -700. Sono utilizzati su una rete che comprende 44 collegamenti tra 17 cittą europee.
(Da un comunicato stampa Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Seattle, Wa (USA) - 30 aprile 2002)
EasyJet's newest Boeing 737-700, painted in the airline's distinctive orange and white colours, takes off on its delivery flight from Seattle to the United Kingdom. The airplane, delivered at the end of April, is the 25th new Boeing 737 the popular United Kingdom low-fare carrier has purchased from Boeing. Since 1997, easyJet has added 12 Boeing 737-300s and 13 Next-Generation 737-700s to its fleet. The airline flies 737s on 44 routes to 17 key cities in nine European countries. This milestone 25th 737 will be headquartered at easyJet's base in Liverpool, England.
(From a press release by Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Seattle, Wa (USA) - April 30, 2002)