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Primo B.737-700 con winglets in Africa alla Kenya Airways
First 737-700 with winglets in Africa to Kenya Airways
Il primo B.737-700 della Kenya Airways sotto la torre di controllo di Paine Field, Seattle. (Boeing)
The first Kenya Airways B.737-700 near the control tower of Paine Field, Seattle. (Boeing)
Kenya Airways è la prima compagnia aerea africana ad aver ricevuto un Boeing B.737-700 dotato di alette (winglets) alle estremità alari. Il vettore basato a Nairobi, che ha ordinato di recente anche alcuni B.767 e B.777, utilizza una flotta quasi tutta formata di aerei Boeing e copre una rete di collegamenti passeggeri e merci attraverso l'Africa.

(Da un comunicato stampa Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Seattle, Wa (USA) - 14 giugno 2002)

A Boeing 737-700 with winglets was delivered this month to Kenya Airways, a Nairobi based carrier now operating an almost all Boeing fleet, with newly ordered B.767 and B.777. The airplane, one of three models ordered by the airline, will serve a network of passenger and cargo services to destinations throughout Africa. Kenya Airways became the first airline in Africa to operate a 737-700 with blended winglets.

(From a press release by Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Seattle, Wa (USA) - June 14, 2002)