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AM General HMMWV (High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle) esposto all'U.S. Army Transportation Museum di Fort Eustis in Virginia (USA). Di questo versatile automezzo militare, soprannominato "Hummer" ed erede della famosa "Jeep", sono stati già costruiti 140.000 esemplari, in svariate versioni, per quasi 40 paesi. (Aeromedia)
AM General HMMWV (High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle) on display at the U.S. Army Transportation Museum at Fort Eustis, Virginia. The popular kin of the "Jeep" dinasty is better known as the "Hummer". More than 140.000 HMMWVs, in various versions, have been already produced for some 40 countries. (Aeromedia)

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