The Italian Aerospace Information Web
by Aeromedia - corso Giambone 46/18 - 10135 Torino (Italy)

Italian Air Register - A New Feature on the Aeromedia Web

The home page of Aeromedia - the Italian Aerospace Information Web - comprises now a new page dedicated to the Italian Civil Air Register news. On this area, every four months, lists will be added on the aircraft certified in Italy, those sold abroad and exported aircraft built by Italian manufacturer.
Every aircraft is listed in tabular form containing relevant information such as the type, the year and the construction number, the owner and the airport where it is based. Original pictures will be added inside the listings.
This new Aeromedia feature furthermore enhances the information resources offered by the web not only to professionals but also, being a very simple data base, to aviation scholars and in general to people interested in the evolution of the Italian aviation scene.

Register of the Italian Civil Aircraft

(Aeromedia, May 1999)