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Aviation Training Symposium in 1999 an International First

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration Academy in Oklahoma City will host the International Aviation Training Symposium September 28 through 30, l999, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S.A. Theme of the symposium, designed to enhance international aviation safety, is "Aviation Training for the 21st Century."
The FAA Academy initiative encourages training partnerships and resource sharing among aviation training institutions and international aviation organizations worldwide. Safety issues presented as training strategies at the symposium are in concert with President Clinton's "Safe Skies" initiatives.
Delegates to the symposium will represent aviation-related training institutions, domestic and international aviation-oriented organizations, aviation or transportation government officials having training oversight responsibilities, and the aviation industry and institutions of higher learning. They will present and discuss projects, programs, and concerns directly related to international aviation training and development.
The symposium will feature the latest technology, standardization of training models and methodologies, and international aviation training funding strategies. Exhibition space will be available to private firms and organizations to feature equipment, products, and services related to international aviation training.
Issues to be discussed include: funding strategies in support of aviation training, and training for new technologies such as the Global Positioning System (GPS), and Communication, Navigation and Surveillance in Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM). Also in focus will be creative and innovative training methods including Computer Based Instruction, Interactive Video Teletraining, and the Internet. Aviation training opportunities by and through the U.S. government, U.S. industry, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and others will be discussed. Effective evaluation of training, the necessity for regional training programs, and resource sharing of instructors, materials, facilities, and equipment will also be topics.
The FAA Academy is based in Oklahoma City at the Federal Aviation Administration's Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center. Domestic U.S. and international students train in air traffic control, maintenance of electronic equipment and systems, safety, and security.
More information about the International Aviation Training Symposium, including delegate enrollment forms and an e-mail link for comments, may be found at the symposium web site: For Safe Skies, see, key words "Safe Skies."

(Aeromedia, March 1999)