The Italian Aerospace Information Web
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Il Sikorsky SH-34J Seabat 4-14 (US Navy serial number 153622) conservato presso la base di Maristaeli Luni. L'elicottero fu consegnato alla Marina Italiana nell'aprile 1959, in ambito Military Aid Program, e venne ritirato dal servizio il 28 giugno 1979 dopo 3.429,7 ore di volo.
Sikorsky SH-34J Seabat 4-14 preserved at Maristaeli Luni. This aircraft (US Navy serial number 153622) was handed over to the Italian Navy, under Militay Aid Program, in April 1959 and was put out of service on June 28th, 1979, after 3,429.7 flight hours.

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