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Boeing B.737-229 Advanced OO-SDA della SABENA in rullaggio a Nizza/Côte d’Azur, il 20 luglio 1978, mentre sullo sfondo è in costruzione la seconda pista dell’aeroporto francese. La SABENA - Société Anonyme Belge d'Exploitation de la Navigation Aérienne – venne fondata nel 1923 e cessò l’attività nell’ottobre 2001, travolta dal collasso del gruppo svizzero SAirGroup che controllava anche la Swissair. (Aeromedia)
Boeing B.737-229 Advanced OO-SDA of SABENA taxies at Nice/Côte d’Azur, on July 20, 1978, in the period when the construction of the second runway of the French airport was under way. SABENA - Société Anonyme Belge d'Exploitation de la Navigation Aérienne – was established in 1923 and ceased its activity in October 2001, due to the collapse of the parent Swiss SAirGroup which was also the owner of Swissair. (Aeromedia)