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by Aeromedia - corso Giambone 46/18 - 10135 Torino (Italy)


Personale Aeritalia ritira l’Ansaldo SVA 9 “n/c 89” a Southbury, Connecticut, il 23 gennaio 1989. L’aereo era stato rinvenuto, anni prima, in un fienile abbandonato e successivamente acquistato da Mr. Herbert R. Fayfield, ex pilota dei Marines ed appassionato collezionista di aerei storici. (Aeromedia)
Aeritalia personnel take possession of the Ansaldo SVA 9 “c/n 89” at Southbury, Connecticut, on January 23, 1989. The aircraft was found, years before, in an abandoned barn and was bought by Mr. Herbert R. Fyfield, a former Marine Corps pilot and enthusiast collector of historic aircraft. (Aeromedia)

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