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Cessna 208 Caravan I “3007” (n/c 208-00138) delle Forze Aeree del Sud Africa, con bagagliaio ventrale in materiale composito. Base Aerea di Swartkop (FASK), Sud Africa, agosto 2004. Anni prima, questo stesso velivolo era stato esposto in mostra statica al salone aeronautico Farnborough International 1988, con marche N9709F e successivamente venduto in Sud Africa, con marche civili ZS-MEH. (Aeromedia)
Cessna 208 Caravan I “3007” (c/n 208-00138) of South African Air Force, with underfuselage cargo pannier in composite materials. Swartkop Air Base (FASK), South Africa, August, 2004. Years before, this same aircraft was exhibited in static display at the 1988 Farnborough International Air Show, with N9709F registration marks. Later it was sold in South Africa as ZS-MEH. (Aeromedia)