The Italian Aerospace Information Web
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AgustaWestland (PZL-Swidnik) SW-4 “6622” dell’Esercito Polacco, che ne utilizza 24 esemplari, in mostra statica al salone ILA 2010 di Berlino. Questo elicottero di piccole dimensioni ha arricchito la gamma AgustaWestland dopo la recente acquisizione del costruttore polacco PZL-Świdnik. (Aeromedia)
AgustaWestland (PZL-Swidnik) SW-4 “6622” of the Polish Army, which has 24 items in service, in static display at ILA 2010 air show in Berlin. This small-size model has been gained by AgustaWestland after the recent take over of manufacturer PZL-Świdnik of Poland. (Aeromedia)