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De Havilland Canada DHC-8-311 V2-LET, operato dalla LIAT - Leeward Islands Air Transport (Stato di Antigua & Barbuda), in atterraggio all’aeroporto Sint Maarten/Principessa Juliana (SXM/TNCM) nell’agosto 2000. Il prototipo del Dash 8-300 fu ricavato modificando il primo prototipo del Dash 8-100 (C-GDNK): la fusoliera fu allungata (a 25,68 metri), per ospitare 50/65 passeggeri, e l'apertura alare fu aumentata (a 27,43 m). Così riconfigurato e spinto da nuove turboeliche Pratt & Whitney Canada PW123, il nuovo modello Dash 8-300 volò per la prima volta il 15 maggio 1987. (Aeromedia)
De Havilland Canada DHC-8-311 V2-LET, operated by LIAT - Leeward Islands Air Transport (State of Antigua & Barbuda), passes over Maho Beach before landing at Sint Maarten/Princesse Juliana airport (SXM/TNCM) in August, 2000. The Dash 8-300 prototype was obtained by modification of the first Dash 8-100 prototype (C-GDNK): the fuselage was stretched to 25.60 m (84 ft 3 in), to accomodate 50-56 passengers, and the wing span was increased to 27.43 m (90 ft 0 in) for more lift. Powered by new Pratt & Whitney Canada PW123 turboprop engines, the prototype of the new Dash 8-300 model flew for the first time on May 15, 1987. (Aeromedia)