The Italian Aerospace Information Web
by Aeromedia - corso Giambone 46/18 - 10135 Torino (Italy)
Beechcraft C-45 ex Aeronautica Militare, recuperato dall’Alisarda alla fine degli anni ’80 del secolo scorso e ridipinto come il Beechcraft 18 I-SARE, primo aereo utilizzato dalla compagnia aerea sarda nel 1963. Aeroporto Olbia/Costa Smeralda, 30 luglio 1988. (Aeromedia)
Former Italian Air Force’s Beechcraft C-45, recovered by Alisarda - in late ‘80s of past century - and painted like the Beechcraft 18 I-SARE, the first aircraft operated by the Sardinian airline at its inception, in 1963. Olbia/Costa Smeralda Airport, July 30, 1988. (Aeromedia)