The Italian Aerospace Information Web
by Aeromedia - corso Giambone 46/18 - 10135 Torino (Italy)


Il 1° ottobre 2011, in occasione della presentazione del proprio biposto F.30 Brio all’aeroporto Torino/Aeritalia, la Golden Car ha esposto alcune parti strutturali in alluminio del velivolo comprese la fusoliera, le semiali, un’ordinata di fusoliera, oltre al castello motore in lega di titanio. (Aeromedia)
On October 1, 2011, during the presentation of their F.30 Brio two-seater at Turin/Aeritalia airport, Golden Car exhibited a set of aluminium-made structural parts of the aircraft, including the fuselage, wing, a fuselage frame and the titanium alloy engine mount. (Aeromedia)

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