The Italian Aerospace Information Web
by Aeromedia - corso Giambone 46/18 - 10135 Torino (Italy)


Il nuovo stabilimento della I.C.P., vicino alla pista dell’aviosuperficie di Castelnuovo Don Bosco, è stato inaugurato il 12 settembre 2009. L’investimento complessivo ha interessato un’estensione di circa 140.000 metri quadrati, compresa l’aviosuperficie. L’area industriale vera e propria, 16.000 m2 recintati e 5.000 m2 coperti, comprende l’edificio amministrativo e due ampi capannoni per la produzione. A destra i velivoli che hanno preso parte al 7° Raduno Internazionale I.C.P. del 2011 e, sullo sfondo, il Santuario di San Giovanni Bosco. (Aeromedia)
The new I.C.P. factory, located near the runway of Castelnuovo Don Bosco airfield, Italy, was inaugurated on September 12, 2009.The total investment covered a total surface of about 140,000 m2 including the airstrip. The 16,000 m2 industrial area stands at the North-East of the runway, with a 5,000 m2 building, formed by a part devoted to administrative/technical offices and two to manufacturing activities. To the right the aircraft which took part in the 7th International I.C.P. Aircraft Fly-In (2011) and, in the background, the Saint Giovanni Bosco Sanctuary. (Aeromedia)

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