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Bell X-1 46-062 "Glamorous Glennis" esposto al Museo Smithsonian di Washington. Primo dei tre esemplari costruiti (46-062/46-064), volò per la prima volta il 19 gennaio 1946. Pilotato dal Capitano dell'USAF Charles E. "Chuck" Yeager, fu il primo velivolo a superare la barriera del suono (Mach 1.06 pari a 1.126 km/h a 10.600 metri) il 14 ottobre 1947. L'X-1 era propulso da un razzo Reaction Motors XLR-11-RM-3 (Model E-6000C-4) da 2.720 kg di spinta per 2 minuti e 30 secondi. Per i voli primato non era in grado di decollare autonomamente e, come aereo parassita, veniva sganciato in volo da un bombardiere B-29 appositamente modificato come "aereo madre". Apertua alare 8,45 m (28 ft); lunghezza totale 9,45 m (30 ft 9 in); peso allo sgancio 5.557 kg (12.250 lb). (Aeromedia)
Bell X-1 46-062 "Glamorous Glennis" on display at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington. First of three rocket aircraft of this type (46-062/46-064), it flew for the first time on Jaunary 19, 1946. Piloted by USAF Captain Charles E. "Chuck" Yeager, it was the first aircraft to break the sound barrier (Mach 1.06 or 700 mph at 43,000 ft) on October 14, 1947. The X-1 was powered by a Reaction Motors XLR-11-RM-3 (Model E-6000C-4) rocket motor delivering a (2 minutes 30 seconds) 6,000 lb thrust. For the record breaking flights, the X-1 was not able to make an autonomous take-off, being released by a B-29 mother-aicraft. Wing span 8.45 m (28 ft); overall lenght 9.45 m (30 ft 9 in); launch configuration weight 5,557 kg (12.250 lb). (Aeromedia)