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Boeing EC-135H 61-0285 del 10th ACCS/513rd TAW dell'USAFE si avvia al decollo dalla base RAF Mildenhall (GB) nell'agosto 1980. L'esemplare della foto, ancora equipaggiato con i turbogetti originali J-57P-59W da 13.750 libbre di spinta, fa parte dei 729 KC-135A Stratotanker costuiti. Un ampio portellone laterale consente il carico di merci sul ponte principale. Alla produzione totale vanno aggiunti 79 C-135 Stratolifter adibiti esclusivamente al trasporto, convertibili cargo/passeggeri. Serial number 61-0285, negli anni settanta, fu uno dei cinque KC-135A trasformati in EC-135H, versione appositamente sviluppata come posto comando volante avanzato per l'area dell'Europa occidentale. (Aeromedia)
Boeing EC-135H 61-0285 of USAFE 10th ACCS/513rd TAW taxiing just before take-off at RAF Mildenhall (UK) in August 1980. The aircraft was still powered by the original 13,750 lbs thrust J-57P-59W turbojets. When it was built, the depicted aircraft was just one of the 729 KC-135A Stratotankers manufactured by Boeing. All of them had a lateral cargo door for easy freight access to the capacious main cabin. The production run of the type was increased by 79 C-135 Stratolifters, the convertible cargo/passenger transport version. During the '70s, serial number 61-0285, together with four other KC-135As, was converted to the specialized EC-135H configuration, an advanced airborne command post suited to the Western European area. (Aeromedia)