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Boeing B-52D Stratofortress (Model 464-201-7) 56-0657 dello Strategic Air Command USAF, conservato presso il South Dakota Air and Space Museum nei pressi della Ellesworth AFB, sede del 28th Bombardment Wing dell'USAF. L'aereo, dotato di otto turbogetti J-57-P-29W installati a coppie su quattro piloni, risulta essere stato, nel 1956, il primo B-52 atterrato ad Ellesworth. L'aereo, dipinto con la tipica mimetica del conflitto in Vietnam, è esposto con un'impressionante panoplia di 24 bombe da 750 libbre appesa ai due piloni d'armamento subalari. (Aeromedia)
Boeing B-52D Stratofortress (Model 464-201-7) 56-0657 of the USAF's Strategic Air Command was, in 1956, the first of its type to land at Ellesworth AFB, South Dakota, home of the 28th Bombardment Wing of the USAF. It is now preserved at the South Dakota Air and Space Museum, on the outskirts of Ellesworth AFB, in full Vietnam style camouflage. The aircraft, powered by eight J-57-P-29W turbojets on twin-nacelle pylons, sports an impressive battle array of 24 pylon-mounted 750 lbs bombs. (Aeromedia)