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Il Bell UH-1M Iroquois 66-15005 conservato al Patriot Point Naval and Maritime Museum, South Carolina. Alcuni esemplari di UH-1C furono convertiti in HU-1M, versione per l'attacco notturno impiegata in Vietnam. Montavano il sistema di puntamento Hughes INFANT (Iroquis Night Fighter And Night Tracker). L'elicottero esibisce ancora l'emblema dell'HA(L)-3 "Sea Wolfs", un reparto dell'U.S.Navy operativo nel delta del fiume Mekong. (Aeromedia)
The U.S. Army
Bell UH-1M Iroquois 66-15005 preserved at Patriot Point Naval and Maritime Museum, South Carolina. A small number of HU-1C were converted to HU-1M night attack use, by installing the Hughes INFANT (Iroquis Night Fighter And Night Tracker) gun support system, and sent to Vietnam. The depicted helicopter still wears the insigna of HA(L)-3 "Sea Wolfs", an U.S.Navy unit active in the the Mekong river delta. (Aeromedia)