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Foto di gruppo prima del volo inaugurale United Airlines con B.777 da Auckland a Los Angeles del 9 giugno 2000. Da sinistra, Bruce Kerr, capo scalo della United Airlines ad Auckland, Michael Purchon, responsabile del vettore in Nuova Zelanda, Doug Groseclose, vice presidente vendite estero della Boeing e Bob Lowry, rappresentante della ditta ad Auckland. (Boeing)
Bidding farewell on the United Airlines inaugural B.777 flight from Auckland to Los Angeles June 9, 2002, were from left, Bruce Kerr, United Airlines Auckland station manager, Michael Purchon, United general manager for New Zealand, Doug Groseclose, Boeing Commercial Airplanes senior vice president, International Sales, and Bob Lowry, Auckland field service representative for Boeing Commercial Airplanes. (Boeing)

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