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Elicotteri europei per l’U.S. Border Patrol
European Helicopters for the U.S. Border Patrol
Eurocopter EC 120B Colibri OO-ECB decolla dall’aeroporto di Parigi/Le Bourget (2003). (Aeromedia)
Eurocopter EC 120B Colibri OO-ECB takes off at Paris/Le Bourget airport (2003). (Aeromedia)
American Eurocopter, sussidiaria di Eurocopter, il maggiore produttore mondiale di elicotteri civili, e l’EADS North America, hanno annunciato di aver vinto la gara indetta dal Department of Homeland Security per la fornitura di più di 55 macchine all’U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency. Il valore potenziale del contratto si aggira sui 75 milioni di dollari nell’arco di cinque anni.
American Eurocopter utilizzerà l’EC 120 Colibri come piattaforma per sviluppare il nuovo Law Enforcement Equipped Single Engine Light Observation Helicopter, conosciuto anche come “Light Sign Cutter”. Il monomotore a turbina EC 120 è relativamente poco rumoroso e particolarmente adatto a volare sulle zone naturalistiche incluse nelle aree operative della Border Patrol. Più di 380 Colibri sono oggi in servizio in tutto il mondo.
Tutti i Light Sign Cutter saranno costruiti nel Mississippi, presso le nuove officine realizzate a Columbus, ai bordi del Golden Triangle Airport. L’elemento determinante per la scelta fatta dall’U.S. Border Patrol è stata la piena rispondenza tecnica della macchina ai requisiti delle missioni previste. La nuova flotta di elicotteri leggeri da osservazione svolgerà compiti di sorveglianza a bassa quota e pattugliamento dei confini degli Stati Uniti per individuare, bloccare o catturare immigrati clandestini o persone che svolgono attività illegali nelle zone di frontiera. Gran parte degli attuali elicotteri dell’U.S. Border Patrol che saranno sostituiti dagli EC 120 sono dei vererani che risalgono alla guerra del Vietnam. Il Dipartimento della Homeland Security utilizza già indirettamente altri velivoli Eurocopter come i 96 HH-65 Dolphin dell’U.S. Coast Guard ed i 44 elicotteri leggeri AS 350 “Astar”.

cccc (Da un comunicato stampa EADS – European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company, Monaco (Germania) - 4 ottobre 2004)

Grand Prairie, TX –(October 4, 2004) – American Eurocopter, a subsidiary of Eurocopter, the largest manufacturer of commercial helicopters in the world, and EADS North America, announced on Monday that the company has been awarded a contract by the Department of Homeland Security to supply 55+ aircraft to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency. The value of the award is potentially $75 million over the five-year term of the contract.
American Eurocopter will use the EC 120 Colibri for the Law Enforcement Equipped Single Engine Light Observation Helicopters – or “Light Sign Cutter” Fleet. The single-engine turbine EC 120 is the quietest helicopter in its class and it can be flown in some of the wildlife refuges contained within the Border Patrol’s area of operation. Currently, more than 380 Colibri aircraft are in operation worldwide.
The Light Sign Cutter fleet will be produced in Mississippi, at the company’s second and newest manufacturing facility in Columbus, adjacent to the Golden Triangle Airport. The U.S. Border Patrol’s primary consideration in making the selection was to procure a helicopter that was technically compliant with their mission requirements. The light observation helicopter fleet will provide low-level surveillance and security patrol of U.S. borders to detect, interdict and apprehend persons either trying to illegally enter the United States or conduct illegal activity along U.S. borders. The majority of the U.S. Border Patrols current light observation fleet consists on Vietnam era surplus helicopters that are slated for replacement by the EC 120. The Department of Homeland Security already operates Eurocopter aircraft including 96 HH-65 Dolphins for the U.S. Coast Guard and 44 AS 350 “Astar” light utility helicopters.

(From an EADS – European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company press release, Munich (Germany) - October 4, 2004)