The first powered flight in Italy dates back to May 1908, made by the French pioneer Leon Delagrange before members of the Royal Family in Rome. The first Italian-made aircraft, a triplane designed by Aristide Faccioli, flew in Turin in January 1909. At the end of 1911, Italian military aircraft took part in the Italian-Turkish war, in Libya, the very first air-warfare recorded in history. On July 1, 1912, the Battaglione Aviatori, the embryo of today’s Italian Air Force, was set up in Turin.
In the picture: Dismantled Panavia Tornado P.09/MM587 pre-series aircraft, escorted by Turin’s Municipal Police, heading to the Turin Exposition Centre for the “Il secolo con le ali” (A Century with Wings) exhibition, organized by the Italian Air Force. (Franco Vercelli/Aeromedia)
(Aeromedia, March 2010)